– New stuff and updates –

Heres some new stuff to ease the wait for other new stuff, the Girl toys play set Volume 01 for Avatar 2.0.

And heres some Kawaii~ gold and diamond grills for the M3 anime head.

We have also made a bunch of bug fixes.

Fixed – M3 head bug that broke voice and text chat mouth animation when the emotes checkbox was enabled

Fixed – A bug with the left arrow attack in the Anubis double sword that killed the user

Improvement – The damage prim rez distance on the Anubis double sword was increased to 0.500 (was 0.00) to remove any potential accidental suicide while using the sword.

Fixed – The no texture found error in the Avatar 2.0 nipple addon. (gotta come down to the shop to pick up a new free copy)

How to update:

Rez the included update card on the ground and WAIT!, if nothing happens in 10 minutes or you only get a notecard and no update, take the card back and dont do anything, give it some time, the update server is a piece of shit and it ate your update but it thinks it has updated you, so it wont respond to repeated update requests for some time, if you spam it with requests it will block you for 24 hours.

– Rikugou Customization Contest –

The contest is coming to an end and i have done some preliminary judging and picked out 11 contenders that have done a competent enough job and i will further compare them side by side to determine the winners and stuff.(Hiyori you are included but im still waiting on your final thing)

But heres the thing, theres only 3 places but theres more than 3 mods that i feel deserve something for their efforts and it would pain me a lot to not reward them. So here’s how this is going to go down, 3 people will win the third place, 2 people will win the second place, and one person will win the first place.