– 2023 Roadmap –

Ok so as 2023 has rolled around and i think its time to give you guys a bit of a roadmap for some of the more note worthy things i have planned for this year. 2023 is going to be a big and busy year for me because i will be undertaking probably the biggest project of my life time, which is the new anime body.

The reason its the biggest project is because mesh on SL has come a long way since the simple days of Kemono and Avatar 2.0, there are so many more weights and bones to worry about now with bento and fitted mesh as well as more exciting new mesh technologies on the horizon that are being planned by the new devs at LL, such as morphs(shape keys/blend shapes), so i will need to future proof the new body so that it wouldnt go the same way the Kemono did when fitted mesh came around. It will take a lot of time to make sure everything works right and there are no rigging or triangulation problems, some hard lessons were learned from the development of my previous bodies such as the triangulation on the kemono being all over the place.

Not only that, in order to not just to compete with normie bodies but even have a chance at recapturing just a fraction of the success that the Kemono had, the new body will need to NOT be just one of those random bodies with nothing to wear that people buy and use for a few days before they go back to their daily drivers and than forget they even have it. So just like in the video game console business, it needs to come with compelling array of launch title outfits and just have a general base of practical everyday clothing that people can start using on day one, without having to walk around naked. And in order to do that i will be partnering up with several creators to produce this content for its release, so that alone might take up to a year to do.

So 2003 Roadmap is as follows:

  • A sorts of a remaster and a public release of another personal use item that was just sitting and gathering dust in my inventory, more on that later on in this post.
  • Modeling work starts on the new anime body
  • More updates to existing items such as bulge and thunder thighs versions for kemono clothes.
  • Launching a new side brand for the collaboration mentioned above.
  • Misc small projects on my to do list that i havent had the chance to finish last year such as releasing a public version of the AMH 2.0 train
  • Modernizing and releasing several more personal use items.

Things i wanna do but not sure how realistic it is to do it this year considering all the things above:

  • Finishing the last Rikugou armor and also a Rikugou maid outfit that i never finished due to a creative block
  • Making another bike, this time a mini bike.
  • A 90s Formula 1 car
  • Vodka girl’s (from honkai impact) outfits for Kemono.

With all that being said, heres a sneak peak preview of the first item on this road map !

More pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/GpgLu8L

So what you are looking at here is a an old variant of the Avatar 2.0 body that was made back in 2013 when Avatar 2.0 was still in its early stages, before the big shape change and advanced alpha hide areas update, and way before the Kemono was even a thing. But it sort kinda still looks good by my today’s standards and i was recently reminded by someone that i have this thing and that people would love to have it too, and i thought that you know, why the fuck not. It already has a bunch of clothing items i made for it over the years and at first i just planned to release it as is, but than i decided to work on it a little and give it a proper HUD and hide system, and do a little bit of modernization like giving it bento hands and such, that way it will make a worthwhile purchase. But anyway, more detail on that in a later post when i have more to show for.

Also just to be clear, this is not the new anime body that i was talking about above lol

– Year end update avalanche –

Alright, 2017 is about to end, and a lot of bug reports have piled up over the year, so its about time to kick and bunch of these updates through the door before we start 2018!

– Avatar 2.0 –

Fixed a bug with the alpha system hiding wrong parts of the body, for example, hiding the shoulder would hide a chunk of the torso.
Fixed an oversight in the HUD Skin tab – ADD texture button wasn’t working right in Lash|Brows|Hair modes.
Fixed alpha problems with 2 of the skins, they had an unused alpha channel that messed with things.
Fixed a problem with the included stockings not hiding right sections.
Finlay updated the nipples addon to work with the new avatar 2.0 hud, you can find those for free at my main store.

– Kemono –

Fixed a bug with the render weight in the kemono head, it should be back to normal now.

– Rikugou –

Heavy armor – Fixed a bug where the GM Riffle didnt point forward when in mouse look while crouching.
Temjin and Strike armors – The original problem reported was that the strike sit animation priority is set to 4 and it overrides the sit animations of furniture, but due to how SL handles sitting on prims now, the default LL sit animation will override the lover part of the body if the animation priority is set bellow 4, breaking the sit, so the solution is simply to turn off AO while sitting on furniture (witch is a common sense thing to do anyway). I also found that the temjin sit was set to priority 3 witch as i explained above was bad. Both strike and temjin sits are now set to 4 but i have also included sit animations set to priority 3 inside the HUD, they are marked with -pr3 for anyone that wants to use them instead of the priority 4 animations.
Rikugou A and B – Updated the heads with the FINE TOO talking mouth animation script by Cerise Sorbet as requested by her.
Heavy armor booster sound spam – We came up with a fix but we arent sure if the fix really fixed it, we dont know of a good way to reproduce the bug so its hard to test any fixes, so let us know if its still acting up, there is more information about this down bellow in the “Things that arent broken or cannot be fixed” part of this post

– M3 Anime Head –

Fixed the glow setting effecting the wrong eye layer, making the eye layers alpha glitch with each other.

– Clothing –

Fixed a problem with the Avatar 2.0 stockings hiding wrong sections, also included the animated texture versions of the stockings from the now discontinued experimental pack.
Fixed Avatar 2.0 socks not hiding any sections, and a naming error with one of the black socks being called white.
Fixed permission problems with some of the items in the S4 outfit pack.
Fixed the incorrect naming problem with the Avatar 2.0 medium and flat bikini tops.

– Misc –

Fixed a problem the Gantz and Audax Inc stores having incorrect physics shapes at AMH.
Updated my downloads section to include the missing school top textures as well as include the download links to the O.CA Armor and scarf, and school swimsuit textures.


— Things that arent broken or cannot be fixed —


– Kemono –

Wearing outfits from outfit folders messes up the alphas – This is a little something that cannot be fixed due to the way second life works. Normally, when adding a piece of clothing, a body part mod or anything else that needs to hide parts of the body, will send a hide command to the kemono body and it will hide the needed parts. Removing a piece of clothing or mod also sends a command to the body to show the parts that were hidden. The body needs to be added first and removed last, witch is not always the case with changing outfits. And this is where the problem is, things arent always removed or added in the correct order, For example, if you were wearing something that hides your torso, changing an outfit can remove the body first before that torso hiding item is removed, making that item send the show command to the kemono body that is no longer there to receive it, than putting the body back on will still have the torso still invisible because it never received that show command.

A workaround for this problem would be to use the outfit folders the way they were ment to be used, as outfit folders and not full avatar folders. For example, have a base avatar folder with just the naked avatar in it and save every outfit into its own folder without the avatar included in that folder, than simply use the “add to outfit” or “remove from outfit” buttons in the outfit folders to change those outfits. This way the alphas wont get screwed up and you will have a more tidy wardrobe as well.

– Rikugou –

Temjin and strike AOs, We are unable to reproduce the bug where it would get stuck in jumping animation, we know about this bug and have seen it ourselves, we just cannot reproduce it o demand, so we cannot do any testing to see if our fix worked or not.
Rikugou lite neck clipping with the neck part of the O.CA armor shirt, i cannot reproduce this clipping neither in game or blender, this might be specific to whatever animations you are using.

Heavy armor booster dash sound, the dash sound will randomly play sometimes when clicking on viewer UI elements with your mouse or WASD on your keyboard, this is a really bizzare bug that has more to do with the viewer than the booster itself. The sound somehow gets cached in the viewer sound memory and plays randomly on mouse and keyboard input (there is not a single line inside the script to do such a thing). Reproducing the bug is really difficult, it looks like it just happens when it feels like it, and without a good way to induce the bug, we cant do any meaningful testing or fixing for it, so if you know what triggers it or what this even is exactly, it would be helpful if you let us know.

– Clothing –

I had notes for problems with the following items but upon testing them i have found that i have already fixed them, but i have no memory of announcing those fixes so just in case i didnt heres what was fixed previously:

D2 skirt had incorrect faces assigned to meshes, mainly the belt loops and buckle.
Shorts and open shorts were clipping with skin tight pants and pantyhose.

Well thats it for now, there were other things reported that turned out to be either not reproducible or user error but we arent 100% and will need to investigate them further when we have time.


– Asami’s Avatar 2.0 rigging tips –

Keep forgetting to post this but Asami Imako has made a pretty useful post for those that are interested in rigging things to the new fitmesh/bento avatar 2.0 dummy.

Check it out here http://artificialincarnation.tumblr.com/post/163611418480/asamis-avatar-20-ver-114-building-pro-tips

– Av2 1.14 dummy updated –

I realized i forgot to bind the lower body dummy to the armature and that is causing a lot of confusion for people, so i have updated the dummy, it should now work ok with appearance sliders too.


I also included some additional notes that will help you understand how to even use this mess of a dummy.

– Heres some things to know about before you begin doing anything with this dummy –

Make sure you have Avastar version 2.0.43 or better
If you have a later version of Avasstar, be careful when updating the rig, that feature always breaks something.
The upper body part uses the original non Avastar LL/Avatar 2.0 armature(avatar-old), you need this for correct arm length and shoulder position, if you want to match the ingame model, because Avastar has its own idea on how long the arms and shoulders need to be, and even if it matches up perfectly in blender, it will not match the ingame model and there is no way to fix that.
The lower part of the body is the new fitted mesh Avastar rig.
Be careful when binding new meshes to the armature, make sure the butt slider is at 30 and not 25, even though 25 should be the Avastar default, if you use 25 it will not match the butt for some reason, i dunno maybe its some Avastar bug(i also might be confusing 25 with 30 so flip those numbers around if it isnt working).
For some reason avatar is Avastar is always switched to basic mode and doesnt remember what mode was used last for that project file so you will need to switch it to experimental mode.

– Rigging tips –

If you have a clothing piece that covers both lower and upper part of the body:
A. If your clothing piece does not contain arms and shoulders in it, like lets say a tank top, duplicate the upper body mesh and join it with the lower body, be sure appearance/shape sliders and the appearance editor are disabled for the lower body mesh before you join or the mesh will explode the moment you try to move the sliders. After you joined it, enable the sliders again.

B. You have a clothing piece that covers both lower and upper parts and include arms and shoulders but isnt skin tight, same as above only include arms too.

C. you have a clothing piece that covers both lower and upper parts and includes arms and shoulders and is skin tight, split it in half the same way that the upper and lower body parts are on the dummy, rig both parts to the body parts of the dummy, and use the invisible edge method (take the avatar 2.0 apart ingame with ctrl+alt+t enabled to see what the invisible edge looks like) or copy vertex normals from the seam before you split the clothing piece in 2 parts and than apply those vertex normals to both edges after its split in 2.


– Avatar 2.0 1.14 appliers and bug fixes –

The Avatar 2.0 texture appliers have been update to make use of the new features of the latest version of Avatar 2.0, as well as a complete overhaul on how custom textures are added and tested, no more creator/costumer modes, UUIDs are now laoded from a notecard that is deleted when loading is finished.

If you do not have the appliers yet, you can grab them here https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Avatar-20-Texture-Applier/6479722

We also fixed a bunch of bugs with 1.14, you will need to update your avatar to the latest version for the new appliers to work correctly.

Fixed a Bug with the head’s hairbase not accepting applier textures.
Fixed a bug with the custom texture add dialog window in the head hud.

Fixed a bug with the head not accepting appliers.
Fixed a bug with body B not remembering custom skin textures when unhiding body parts.
Fixed an issue with both bodies not remembering custom textures for breast sizes.

– Avatar 2.0 1.14 Dummies and textures –

Alright, i threw together a bunch of developer resources for the new av2 v1.14 for you to play with.

Current 1.14.x mesh dummies (fitmesh/bento) http://www.mediafire.com/file/92mggr71jwurn28/av2+1.14.x+dummies.zip
Note: These are the full detail models, not poly count reduced versions of the original.

av2 1.14.x skins.zip – New skins for avatar 2.0 v1.14
1.14 texture resources.zip – New UV maps and textures for the Avatar 2.0 v1.14 head

– Av2 1.14 bug fixes –

We fixed a bunch of bugs with the new avatar 2.0 update regarding custom textures and appliers, this will fix the bug of appliers not loading on the head and custom textures reverting when changing breast size or hiding/showing body parts on version B.

– Avatar 2.0 v1.14 is out! –

This is the long overdue fitted mesh update as well as bento face and hand rigging. You can now adjust the shape of your ass, belly, legs and feet, to make your shape more juicy. You can also adjust some of the face sliders but not all of them work (not all bento features are supported due to the way the game treats custom joint positions)

– Whats else is New in 1.14 –

In general this was a huge update, avatar 2.0 now partially supports fitted mesh (the whole lower body bellow the waist) as well as bento rigging for the face and hands.
Huge improvements to render weight from 32K to just 4.8K (the render weight randomly fluctuates between higher and lower numbers because the whole render weight system is garbage) as well as script optimizations.
There are now 2 versions of the body, A and B. Version A is the normal version witch is 4.8k render weight, and the experimental version B with 2k render weight witch will not work for people running the game on ghetto graphics settings.
A bunch of new features implemented such as normal/specular map support, head customization options and other neat things.

Rez or wear your Avatar 2.0 update cards to get it.

All the existing clothing have been updated to work with this new version, rez your update cards.


The old versions of following items did not come with all the textures, scripting and update cards, there for they are not eligible for a free update.


Next stop on the to do list is updating the avatar 2.0 appliers to make use of the new texture layers and specular/normal maps, as well as new dummies for content creators.

– Avatar 2.0 and Kemono bento dummies –

Was going to wait till the bento version of Avastar gets all the bugs worked out (like ruining your rigs) and goes out of beta to release proper dummies but it doesnt look like thats going to ever happen and people just cant keep their pants on, nagging me to release the dummies, so here they are.

Kemono bento dummy http://www.mediafire.com/file/977xf08xuwvwn9u/Kemono+Dummy+bento.zip

Avatar 2.0 bento dummy http://www.mediafire.com/file/0cahr6jhngzd20f/av2+bento+dummy.zip

– Some bug fixes –

Fixed the clipping right glove and the right O.CA armor glove for Kemono.
Fixed a bug in the Avatar 2.0 and Kemono HUDSs that caused custom textures added through the HUD to load in other people’s HUDs (this bug did not effect appliers)
Fixed the mixed up hand position icons in the HUD

There’s also a fix for the avatar 2.0 and kemono stockings and kneesocks pack for a stack heap collision error.