– M4 Mars Dummy and more updates –

The M4 mars dummy for rigging and animating.


– Updates –

M4 Mars

Update Version 1.0b

– M4 Head –
Fixed a bug with the hairbase mesh flickering through the head above forehead.
Fixed a bug with the emote system making it unable to find 2 animations.
optimized the emote system to ignore missing emote parameters and not spam you with missing animation errors.

M4 Chibi and Anime heads

– M4 Head –
Same fixes to the emote system as in the Mars head.

– M4 Mars head and M4 updates –

And its here! the long awaited Mars male anime head. This is something i wanted to make for quite some time since i never could make the exact anime guy avatar i wanted.

– Things to know –

Snce i was working on this alongside the M4 Anime head, it has the same problem of a small cranium and large face (my original thinking was that making the cranium smaller will prevent hairs clipping through it, only i scaled the head wrong and instead of matching the face area with the LL face, i matched the cranium, and the rest you already know), but hopefully this time it wont be much of a problem since the majority of male hairs are unrigged and resizable, so if you arent completely blind, you will adjust the scale of the hair to match the face and wont look weird….. (im scared that normies that will be buying this head have no idea how to scale and position hairs though) But if that does cause problems, i might do a shape 2 as well with a smaller face.

Another thing, in case this isnt already obvious, the M4 girl skins will not work with this head due to different face structure and UVs

Anyway, here it is!


– M4 Updates –

M4 Anime and M4 Chibi HUDs now have a Simplified way custom textures are loaded, now all you have to do is click add and select what you are adding from a pop up menu and than paste your UUID without the need to write any additional parameters.


Thats all.

– Update servers are back online –

I take that back about casper’s ticket support being shitty, they responded really fast and everything seems to be working now, if you are still having problems with your V2 update cards, contact me with the name of the account and the product you have problems updating,

For those of you that dont have V2 update cards, see this link https://utilizator404.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/new-update-migration-process-for-utilizator-and-abc-apparel-products/

– Casper updates and redelivery are down –

Casper vend is having some technical issues that is effecting a bunch of creator update systems and redelivery terminals, this includes me and abc apparel.

We have attempted to contact them about it but they dont have any real costumer support and just a shitty automated ticket system, so this is going to take a while.

Anyway, please dont spam me with mesages about update cards and redelivery not working, follow this blog to know when its fixed and try again, if it still doesnt work, than contact me.

– Broken Attachment Tracker –

Dont you just hate it when you TP somewhere and your hair or body is missing and you dont see it missing but everyone else does? Well worry no more because this usefully little HUD by ZARK keeps track of all your attachments and notifies you when one of them is missing so you can go to Avatar / Avatar Health / Refresh attachments and fix it.

– Wip M4 Mars and some other stuff –

– M4 Mars –

Finally got something decent to show, all the modeling, rigging, and all that stuff is finished, textures are pretty much done too, just need to improve the lips and around the eyes a bit, now what remains is the part i hate doing the most, making animations for it, after that the HUD graphics


– Other Projects –

Pokemon trainer hair, this is something that i started working on spontaneously when i was high one night, couldnt find the exact hair/hat combination i needed for an outfit, i dont even remember what it was supposed to be, but either way this is sorta almost done lol.


Another side quest i had was this armor, this is a little something i wanted to do for a very long time, just couldn’t find an excuse good enough to start it.

sbwp18 sbwp20
