– Bento human hands for Rikugou –

I was planning to release this update along with the new heads but i figured this anouncement would be burried under all the other announcements within the post and since the update is done and ready, so why wait.

Things that have been updated:

Added – Rikugou A-B bento hands HUD
Added – Rikugou Lite bento hands and HUD
Added – Rikugou Officer uniform bento gloves
Added – Rkugou Predator armor bento hands
Added – O.CA Armor (arms & legs) bento hands for Rikugou Lite

Fixed – Rikugou lite core 1.4 wrong attachement point (right hand)
Fixed – Rikugou officer pantyhose clipping through waistband and inner leg when sitting
Fixed – Rikugou officer pantyhose pantsu options turning the whole upper part grey untill user picks a different texture.
Fixed – Rikugou officer arms edge split orpoblems on the upper ring + compatibility with the lite bento arms.

more pics https://imgur.com/a/H0PcIkI

So thats all for now, the next few updates for rikugou im thinking about would be a fitted legs so you could make them thicker and maybe turn some of the robot hands into bento but not sure how realistic that one is due to the style of finger joints.

– Rikugou Updates –

I made a bunch of updates to the Rikugou avatars and the Predator armor.


Rearranged faces on the body for compatibility with upcoming third party mods.

Rikugou Lite

Added predator helmet compatibility, the helmet will now automatically hide your neck when worn.
Rearranged faces on the body for compatibility with upcoming third party mods, this update breaks the OC.A armor chest piece compatibility so use the also included older version of the body for that.

The Predator armor for Rikugou

Fixed a rigging/modeling bug at the back side of the ankles.
Added Rikugou Lite compatibility to the helmet, the helmet will now automatically hide the neck of Rikugou Lite body when worn (update your Rikugou Lite for this to work)
Added a function to the helmet to show or hide hair when the visor is up or down, put this script in your hair for it to work.

        llListen(420,"","",(string)llGetOwner() + ":hairHide");
        llListen(420,"","",(string)llGetOwner() + ":hairShow");
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message){
        if(message == (string)llGetOwner() + ":hairShow"){
            llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 1.0, ALL_SIDES);
        if(message == (string)llGetOwner() + ":hairHide"){
            llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 0.0, ALL_SIDES);

(Can also find it in the bonus item box). Lift the visor up before detaching the helmet because i was too lazy to script it to show hair on detach, might do it later on.

– Contest over! –

– Contest over! –

Ladies and Germans, the Rikugou customization contest is over and here are the lucky winners!

First place


Izzanami Dagostino with her tank turret robot girl thing inspired by bastion ffrom overwatch.
More pictures here: http://imgur.com/a/gF9Mf

You can see it in action in these videos
Tank mode: https://i.gyazo.com/42f272b80ff9020dd72696dfda96e0cd.mp4
Turret mode: https://i.gyazo.com/f4f91132b9f3100ee1f4457ae9242f6f.mp4

Second place

————akisa ashe

Ashe’s Kampfer is a fully functional thing that can shoot and boost and leave skidmarks as it moves around.
see it in action: video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kCaSWH-TwQ&feature=youtu.be

Akisa’s Mynoghra is a Rikugou armor that she has been hard at work modeling for quite some time and will be commercially available soon, keep a look out on her store for when it drops!
Heres a better image: https://i.gyazo.com/7d4ea165700473b4a76ff846dd8a40ed.jpg

Third place

jdbmiko maki

See more images of
JDB Bing: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rdb4dym1u5igpi4/AAADjz3KoIzcKkmiYq81RybMa?dl=0
Miko Molinari: http://imgur.com/a/OXNRi
Maki: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50238401/contest/2016-10-13_18-16-09.mp4

Honorable mentions

These are customization that did not make it into the top 3 but never the less the judges felt these needed a shout out, so here they are !

cielra cozmo vital xion

See more images of
Xion Hurricane: https://www.flickr.com/photos/140797892@N04/with/29977335103/
cielra: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131443001@N08/with/30498525642/
Vital: http://prnt.sc/cy9pjw http://prnt.sc/cy9x73
Cozmo Boa: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/do0jws81uozsm5w/AADi5dmDk2OIDyeJGy0Nbnana?dl=0

And finaly, the winner of the male Rikugou category

Auxus with Brigs


See it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CZTJBR2Ims

And while i didnt plan any honorable mentions for the male category, i feel PrincePersia Lemondrop deserves a shout out as well.


more pics: http://imgur.com/a/lAdMI
So, now that thats over with, here are the new stuff for Rikugou, Have fun with your new toys !


– wip rikugou predator armor –

finally figured how to name it, the armor is like 98% done, just need to change a few more things and i can start working on the other armor.

heres some random pics