– Avatar 2.0 v1.14 is out! –

This is the long overdue fitted mesh update as well as bento face and hand rigging. You can now adjust the shape of your ass, belly, legs and feet, to make your shape more juicy. You can also adjust some of the face sliders but not all of them work (not all bento features are supported due to the way the game treats custom joint positions)

– Whats else is New in 1.14 –

In general this was a huge update, avatar 2.0 now partially supports fitted mesh (the whole lower body bellow the waist) as well as bento rigging for the face and hands.
Huge improvements to render weight from 32K to just 4.8K (the render weight randomly fluctuates between higher and lower numbers because the whole render weight system is garbage) as well as script optimizations.
There are now 2 versions of the body, A and B. Version A is the normal version witch is 4.8k render weight, and the experimental version B with 2k render weight witch will not work for people running the game on ghetto graphics settings.
A bunch of new features implemented such as normal/specular map support, head customization options and other neat things.

Rez or wear your Avatar 2.0 update cards to get it.

All the existing clothing have been updated to work with this new version, rez your update cards.


The old versions of following items did not come with all the textures, scripting and update cards, there for they are not eligible for a free update.


Next stop on the to do list is updating the avatar 2.0 appliers to make use of the new texture layers and specular/normal maps, as well as new dummies for content creators.

– Rikugou body part mods –

Shadoskill has created a few body part mods for rikugou such as flat chest, huge bouncy fitted mesh (whoops i misunderstood it) boobies

and a functional vagina that is also compatible with avatar 2.0.

Visit her store for more stuff.

– New stuff from ABC ! –

Its been long overdue but ABC has finally released a bunch of new things shes been working on.

Clothing items:

Plush animal back packs:

The ABC fitted mesh boobs for Kemono have been updated to include puffy addon nipples, use your update cards to get it.


– Contest over! –

– Contest over! –

Ladies and Germans, the Rikugou customization contest is over and here are the lucky winners!

First place


Izzanami Dagostino with her tank turret robot girl thing inspired by bastion ffrom overwatch.
More pictures here: http://imgur.com/a/gF9Mf

You can see it in action in these videos
Tank mode: https://i.gyazo.com/42f272b80ff9020dd72696dfda96e0cd.mp4
Turret mode: https://i.gyazo.com/f4f91132b9f3100ee1f4457ae9242f6f.mp4

Second place

————akisa ashe

Ashe’s Kampfer is a fully functional thing that can shoot and boost and leave skidmarks as it moves around.
see it in action: video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kCaSWH-TwQ&feature=youtu.be

Akisa’s Mynoghra is a Rikugou armor that she has been hard at work modeling for quite some time and will be commercially available soon, keep a look out on her store for when it drops!
Heres a better image: https://i.gyazo.com/7d4ea165700473b4a76ff846dd8a40ed.jpg

Third place

jdbmiko maki

See more images of
JDB Bing: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rdb4dym1u5igpi4/AAADjz3KoIzcKkmiYq81RybMa?dl=0
Miko Molinari: http://imgur.com/a/OXNRi
Maki: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50238401/contest/2016-10-13_18-16-09.mp4

Honorable mentions

These are customization that did not make it into the top 3 but never the less the judges felt these needed a shout out, so here they are !

cielra cozmo vital xion

See more images of
Xion Hurricane: https://www.flickr.com/photos/140797892@N04/with/29977335103/
cielra: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131443001@N08/with/30498525642/
Vital: http://prnt.sc/cy9pjw http://prnt.sc/cy9x73
Cozmo Boa: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/do0jws81uozsm5w/AADi5dmDk2OIDyeJGy0Nbnana?dl=0

And finaly, the winner of the male Rikugou category

Auxus with Brigs


See it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CZTJBR2Ims

And while i didnt plan any honorable mentions for the male category, i feel PrincePersia Lemondrop deserves a shout out as well.


more pics: http://imgur.com/a/lAdMI
So, now that thats over with, here are the new stuff for Rikugou, Have fun with your new toys !


– Updates and other cool stuff –

– Updates –

Get your update cards out for these hot new updates for all the m3 heads and avatar2.0

M3 Anime head v1.12.21:
-Head was restructured for better blinking code optimization, this fix should end the double eyelash thing once and for all, i hope…
-Added diagonal eye rolls in the roll menu.(finally!)
-Removed downwards eye angles from eye movement to fix the “I’ve seen some shit” look on your avatar’s face. (downwards angles can still be selected from the roll menu)
-Code optimizations regarding link tracking and other stuff.

M3 Venus Head v1.12.51:
-Fixed a bug with the tongue out + voice chat mouth animations causing the left eye to go blank.
-Removed downwards eye angles from eye movement.
-Code optimizations.

M3 Kemono Head v1.13.30:
-Optimized blinking, this hopefully fix any blinking bugs.
-Fixed broken voice chat animation.
-Removed downwards eye angles from eye movement.
-Code optimization.

Avatar 2.0 v1.12.27:
-Fixed a bug with custom textures not applying to eyelashes.
-Fixed the no copy issue with the main box.
-Added the missing voice chat animation gestures.
-Code optimizations.

Theres also something updated with the kemono body itself, i think the link tracking thing but im not sure cuz i forgot D:

The downwards angles explained

In reality, when the human eye is looking down, the eyelid moves down too, covering the white part above the iris. On SL however, this doesn’t happen, leaving your avatar with this really uncanny “I’ve seen some shit” look on your avatar’s face. So we removed the ability for the eye to look down during eye movement. But all the downwards angles can still be set through the eye roll menu in the options so no changes there.

– Rikugou customization contest 2! –

As the work on the armors is closing a finish, it’s probably a good idea to give you guys a heads up, theres gonna be another Rikugou customization contest at launch of the 2 new armors, so you guys would have plenty of time to prepare for it. So get your Phtochop or MS Paint ready cuz you might be the lucky winner of one (or both) of the new armors !

More details about the contest will come soon.

– WIP gundam armor stuff –

All the animations are pretty much done, all that’s left now is the scripting part.

here’s a work in progress demonstration of the gun, the battery change aniamtion still needs work.

– WIP – gundam armor almost done –

Ladies and germans, work on the new rikugou armors is nearing completion and i finally have something to show.


Now all thats left to do is creating animations for it and scripting it. More pics coming soon once i upload this stuff to SL.

– More new stuff from ABC –

ABC has made a bunch of new things for the kemono avatar.

The kemono chest mods.

2 new clothing items to go along with the male torso.

Rez your update cards for all the ABC tops because the new bouncy boobs are already compatible with all the ABC tops.



The boobs are fitted mesh, meaning they can be sized and also work with second life boob physics!

The male torso also comes with a muscle tone material applier hud thing witch adds muscle definition that is compatible with any kemono skin.


– WIP Rikugou armors 4 –

Just dicking around with colors while waiting for my food to be done


– WIP Rikugou armors 3 –

Okay, finally have something to show for the other 2 armors
