– Some bug fixes –

Fixed the clipping right glove and the right O.CA armor glove for Kemono.
Fixed a bug in the Avatar 2.0 and Kemono HUDSs that caused custom textures added through the HUD to load in other people’s HUDs (this bug did not effect appliers)
Fixed the mixed up hand position icons in the HUD

There’s also a fix for the avatar 2.0 and kemono stockings and kneesocks pack for a stack heap collision error.

– Bento update now live –


Rez your update cards cuz the following items are now bento compatible.

The avatar 2.0 now uses bento finger bones, to use other bento hand animations, set the hands to neutral position through the hud.
Kemono now uses bento finger and tail bones, for hand animations its the same deal as avatar 2.0, i have not tested the tail with other bento tail animations so i cant guarantee it wont look wonky, since i only rigged the tail to deform right using kemono tail animations.

The O.CA armor hands for avatar 2.0 and kemono and the modular arm glove kit for avatar 2.0 will work with this update too.

Also, haro is working on fingernails for kemono bento hands so keep an eye on their store.


– Bento2 and kemono wip –

So the hands and tail are pretty much done, just needs to be scripted now, but i ran into a road block with the avatar 2.0 face so that wont be coming out till march.

The joint position and bone translation problem

Not getting too much into technical detail, second life has one serious technical limitation that cannot be fixed without fundamentally rewriting the game code, and breaking a million other things when doing so.

Bento face bones allow you to not only animate the face of your mesh avatar, but also adjust the features of the face using the LL appearance editor sliders, creating your own unique faces. But in order to make full use of the bento face bones, mesh faces have to match the proportions of the LL avatar face(the whole derpy looking wide apart eyes and everything), but since the avatar 2.0 face has completely different proportions, it needs to use joint offsets to match the the face bones to its proportions.

But the problem with joint positions is that The way Appearance editor sliders work, is not compatible with joint offsets, not all of them but the big majority of the sliders dont work with it.

Now one way around it would be offsetting the joints using a bone translation animation, same thing that the kemono body uses for custom joint positions, but that creates new problem.

If i use a translation animation to offset the joints once, you will be able to edit your face in appearance editor, but playing any kind of other face animation that has bone translations or reloging will reset those changes, while people who just teleported into the sim wont be able to see the face correctly either without the translation animation playing constantly, but playing that constantly would also reset those changes, so its a non solution in the end and we are back where we have started.

Someone in the Avastar blender group mentioned that Avastar will have new feature soon that does some attaching thing thats supposed to be an alternative to joint positions, so i gotta wait till the march release and try again, if that fails than im afraid the Avatar 2 wont be able to use all the sliders, witch is a huge shame but i already got a plan on how to make alternative face features by using bone translation animations.

So anyway, i will just focus on updating the avatar 2.0 hands for now, we already managed to reduce the render weight by 25k by just using bento hands.

– Kemono/venus appliers by Kurombo Chan –

Kurombo has made specular/normal map appliers for the kemono body and venus head, these are more optimized and doesnt require a specific version of the head/body to work (i think)

Kemono: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1bf264e815c5b4222995fcb4ac0f35a7

Venus: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1d4b56559cc3fb48448633a0021c8a1f

– bento kemono tail –
