– Whats next? –

Okay so before i begin, i want to let everyone know that we have found and fixed a few more bugs so you all will need to update your kemonos if you bought them in a date before this blog post was made.

The fixes are:

A bug with the hair loading wrong texture for white primary color and not loading anything for black secondary color.
A bug with the boots, making them clip with the bonus stockings and kneesocks. And a bug with the head that made the eye lashes break permanently and made them impossible to fix


how to use the update card

Rez the card on the ground or wear it, be patient.
If nothing happens within 10 minutes, detach or take it back and wait a day and try again
If you think you only got a notecard, check your notice center, maybe the second update accept dialog got lost, if not than, detach or take it back and wait a day and try again.
if you try to repeatedly rez/wear the card, you will spam the update server with update requests and it will block you for 24 hours.


– Whats next? –

Okay so, now that this is done, i bet you all have a bunch of questions regarding what will i do next and when is this and that going to come.

So next on my To do list a big Avatar 2.0 and M3 overhaul, a bunch of new texture appliers for the M3, Kemono and Avatar 2.0, Adding boob size options to the remaining Avatar 2.0 clothing, adapting more Avatar 2.0 clothing for the Kemono body and probably a dummy.blend for Kemono.

Heres a list of changes that are going to be made to the Avatar 2.0 and the M3 heads in the upcoming update.

Changes to the M3 system:

Ability to control each eyelid separately, you will now be able to close one eye, or close one eye more than the other.
Originally the M3 head was supposed to have eye texture layer color control in addition to the base layer color control, but due to technical difficulties, we had to remove that feature from the final release. While working on the kemono, we have found a workaround for that technical difficulty that allowed us to somewhat bring back the lost functionality, you will be able to select from 5 different eye texture colors.
We have will also added a v1 viewer compatibility mode for those of you who have old computers and are forced to use v1 viewers.
And finally, the head will now listen to user made scripted object commands to change the expressions and stuff like that.
The M3 hud will now has a Hide button that hides it offscreen.
The M3 hud will now Auto detects witch side of the screen you have attached it to and realign its options menu to that side of the screen to prevent the click block mesh bug from happening. It also can no be attached wherever you want it to be attached without screwing it up like before.
The presets window will now be a separate HUD in itself, it has lost all of its nonsensical functions and now focuses on saving your full facial expressions instead.

Changes to the Avatar 2.0:

The Avatar 2.0 will support asymmetrical textures and texture appliers.
The new way i came up with for joining objects will free the 8th material that was previously used to eliminate the join seams, so each object will get one additional hide option.The avatar will now have hand position’s, it will also have boob sizes built into it that you can select from the HUD.
The HUD will now have an options menu like the kemono HUD where you can select the skin texture and other stuff.

– Kemono –

And its done, i managed to find some time to finish it before the next week .

Everyone who already bought this on the launch day at the main store, rez your update cards because i have accidentally released an older unfinished version D:


The kemono avatar

All the furry avatar bodies i tried on SL have one big problem, very limited hide areas(or no areas you can hide at all) making it impossible to wear anything on them and very few clothing items made by the original creators of such bodies, So this is my attempt at fixing this problem. This avatar is a combination of both the Avatar 2.0 and the M3 head systems. You will be able to hide different areas of the body and customize it to the tiniest detail. It also features some of the new solutions to the problems that the Avatar 2.0 is facing now. (these solutions will also be implemented into the avatar 2.0 too)
And in the head department, there are so few cute looking furry heads, most furries just wear some realistic dog head on a human body or some terrible pile of linked prims from 2004 and that just makes me go :|, and even the good looking heads have one big problem, its the eyes. They pop out and every time you do something to your shape, making you reposition your head and readjust the eye sliders. It just makes it borderline impossible to wear rigged mesh hair with some of those heads because repositioning the head to fit the hair is impossible without derping up the eyes.

— whats included in this package —

This Manual
M3K Head
Kemono Body
Kemono HUD
Kemono Tail and Ears
Full body Alpha
Starter clothing
Emote pack
Undeformer (in case of emergency)
Bonus items
Update card
head attachment guide
Landmark to the store

Bonus items:

Command Documentation Head & Body
Default textures
Texture templates
UV maps
Additional clothing items
Away sign

— Features —


Full mod and not rigged – scale it, link stuff to it, rip or replace its textures, go crazy with it but make backups before you do!
Expression mixer – create your own expressions.
Segmentation – the face is split up into individual elements that can be controlled separately, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, effects such as blush and tears.
Advanced options menu – this is where you customize your head, choose its eye styles, colors, skin color, eyebrow types, add custom textures, misc options.
Heterochromia – set a different color to each eye.
Presets HUD – create, save and load your own presets for facial expressions.
Animations – eyes blink, look around, the mouth moves when you type or talk on voice chat,
Emotes – the head can display a face expression based on what smiley face you typed in local chat, like :3 and :D and :O and so on.
Effects – 3 different blush and 2 tears effects.
Facelight – built in face light (disabled by default)
2 eye styles
2 eyebrow styles + the ability to hide them
Skin texture selection also changes the skin texture of the kemono body.


The kemono HUD features Basic and advanced body part hide modes for maximum compatibility with various mesh clothing
5 different hand positions – relaxed, hold, fist, point, rock on.
Ability to load asymmetrical textures.
Advanced options allow you to change the skin texture and load your own, control the tail, choose the style of legs and a PG mode.

Changes to the M3 system:

If you have previously owned an M3 head, these are the features that are new to the M3 system (that are also coming to the standard M3 head too)
Ability to control each eyelid separately, you can now close one eye, or close one eye more than the other. Originally the M3 head was supposed to have eye texture layer color control in adition to the base layer color control, but due to technical difficulties, we had to remove that feature from the final release.
While working on the kemono, we have found a workaround for that technical difficulty that allowed us to somewhat bring back the lost functionality, you can now select from 5 different eye texture colors.
We have also added a v1 viewer compatibility mode for those of you who have old computers and are forced to use v1 viewers.
And finally, the head now listens to user made scripted object commands to change the expressions and stuff like that.

Changes to the M3 HUD:

The HUD now has a Hide button that hides it offscreen
The hud now Auto detects witch side of the screen you have attached it to and realigns its options menu to that side of the screen to prevent the click block mesh bug from happening. It also can no be attached wherever you want it to be attached without screwing it up like before.
The presets window is now a separate HUD in itself, it has lost all of its nonsensical functions and now focuses on saving your full facial expressions instead.

Have a nice yiff :B


But the news dont end here! I have also updated the shorts to work with the new Kemono avatar and made a new version of the short hoodies that now come in different boob sizes, texture change menu, and are also compatible with the new Kemono avatar.

Check them out.

– Looking back at 2013 and Kemono status update –

I think its about time for another post.

dat ass

The Kemono avatar is done being scripted and betatested, right now im working on the last few things remaining and going to be packing it and stuff. You can expect the avatar to come out somewhere in the middle of the next week, it would have been this week but this whole week i will be busy with RL crap so i wont be able to finish it in time. Thanks everyone who managed to keep their pants of and not nag me about it every 5 days, your wait will finally pay off(i hope)

On the other news, im like 3 months late to do this video but here it is. Looking back on all the awsome shit that was going on in 2013, i met a lot of awsome new friends and had lots of fun on SL.

This is video 1 of 3, next 2 videos are going to be Looking back at 2013 Part2 and the Rikugou customization event video that iw as supposed to do after the fucking event xD

– Kemono avatar Q and A –

Okay so i have been getting a lot of questions from people that just cant keep their pants on, when is it coming out? how much will it cost? and so on, so im going to address the most popular questions here and paste this link every time im asked the same thing for the 93529857th time again.

When is it coming out?

Man, I probably hate this question the most. I have no idea and i cant give any rough estimations, but i can give you this bit of info and you can make your own estimations.
The body and its HUD are done being scripted(well sort off, the solution to the joint offset problem wasn’t implemented yet) the head and its HUD are now being worked on, this will probably be the most complicated part of it, after that its just going to be some minor stuff and it will be done.

You see the thing is, to us SL content creators, this is more like a hobby than a job, we do not have to wake up every morning and work for 8 hours for 5 days a week. We can wake up whenever we want and choose not to work if we dont feel like it and go play videogames or watch tv. We can take a day or a week off whenever we want, we can also be unexpectedly interrupted by phone calls from friends that wanna drag you out to a party or some shit. The only deadlines we have are ones that are set by ourselves as a form of a personal challenge(and we even fail to meet those). All this makes it borderline impossible to predict anything.

How much will it cost?

Not sure about this one either, my guess it will not be less than 800L and not more than 1000L.

Now some say its a bit too expensive, but you have to take into consideration that just the m3 head alone costs 500L, than there’s also the body and HUD that could probably go up to 500L on their own too since they are a lot more advanced than the Avatar 2.0 currently is and a lot more work has been put into it, and than there’s also all that other crap that comes with it. And now compare all this with something like the Viss that comes naked, doesnt do anything and costs 2000L.

Will this be a fitted mesh thing?

No, because of the god awful implementation of it by LL, This topic is a whole new can of worms in itself that im going to open up in another post.

If i ever do get around making this fitted mesh, the only parts of the body im going to rig for fitted mesh it will be the ass and legs.

Will it have different size boobs like the Avatar 2.0?

I have planty of shit on my hands as is, having to make 6 version of the same clothing item is no joy, and its the reason why clothing creation is going so slow for the Avatar 2.0. Having different boob sizes on this avatar too would double that load.

Well than why dont you rig the boobs for fitted mesh so we could adjust the size ourselfs?

Do you really want this?


Or are you expecting fitted mesh to do some sort of magic?

Will there be a male version?


For the same reason stated above in the boob size question.

Will the Avatar 2.0 clothes work with it?

No but i will be making both Avatar 2.0 and Kemono versions of all future clothes as well as porting existing Avatar 2.0 clothes to Kemono.

Will all the current M3 and Avatar 2.0 mods work with this avatar?

The head will work with eyes, eyelashes, blush and tears that are made for the original M3 head, Skin textures and eyebrows will not work.
Nothing made for the Avatar 2.0 will work with this avatar.

Are the UV maps similar to M3 and Avatar 2.0?



Will it support asymmetrical textures like the M3 head?



– Infinite scroll –

As you all may have noticed by now, there has been a new trend going on the internet, that like all the other shit that breaks web site usability, most likely originated from the the pants on head retarded “web 2.0” scene(web 2.0 deserves a whole separate blog post by itself). It’s infinite scrolling, an idea that i can understand why it would look cool on paper, but in reality, it hasnt been thought through completely and just doesnt fucking work.

Positioning problem and hidden web site navigation and other elements.

Web pages that use infinite scrolling are particularly annoying to browse, it never says how many items there are and how many you have scrolled through already, its impossible to jump pages or skip to the middle or end or know how close to the end you even are. a lot of sites implement it in a really stupid way too, not having a side bar for navigation or any options regarding the scrolling itself. Not To mention that the scroll bar itself is made useless.

Crippling performance issues and limited access to website contents

Perhaps the biggest problem is, apart from effectively cutting you off from most of the website’s content, it doesn’t work on a technological level. The more you scroll down, the more items get loaded into the memory allocated to your web browser, and none of it unloads unless you close the tab, effectively turning it into a massive memory leek. The more items you load, the more your your web browser starts to crawl and choke on it till crashes. I do not understand why such an important detail as unloading is being overlooked like that, its impossible to browse the entire content because you will just crash and will never reach the end. I have a top of the line PC and even it cant handle this shit, i can only imagine how people’s browsing experience on older computers must be. And if your browser crashes, you have to scroll through all that shit over again to get back to where you crashed, because people seem to be too retarded to use the URL by adding parameters like ids and classes to it, to make it possible for people to go back to where they last were.

Websites that do get it right

Some websites arent as annoying and have a load next 50 items or whatever button but it still doesnt make it any less of a problem. Now there are websites that arent ran by complete morons and do it right, like the sankaku complex image archive thing, it uses infinite scrolling but it also tells you how many pages there are, you have the left side navigation at all time AND you even have the option to how you wanna browse, you can choose the old numbered page navigation instead, why cant anyone else have enough brain to do that on their sites?


Whoever thought of this infinite scroll idea, deserves to be shot in the dick with an air riffle every time someone crashes or just in general has to go through the inconveniences of infinite scroll. This cancer has spread out so wide already, that even websites like wordpress, flickr, youtube, image search engines, deviant art and so on have implement this shit. My blog has it too and i have no idea where the option to turn it off is, although its not that bad since you have navigation by date on the right side of the page.