– Avatar 2.0 v1.14 is out! –

This is the long overdue fitted mesh update as well as bento face and hand rigging. You can now adjust the shape of your ass, belly, legs and feet, to make your shape more juicy. You can also adjust some of the face sliders but not all of them work (not all bento features are supported due to the way the game treats custom joint positions)

– Whats else is New in 1.14 –

In general this was a huge update, avatar 2.0 now partially supports fitted mesh (the whole lower body bellow the waist) as well as bento rigging for the face and hands.
Huge improvements to render weight from 32K to just 4.8K (the render weight randomly fluctuates between higher and lower numbers because the whole render weight system is garbage) as well as script optimizations.
There are now 2 versions of the body, A and B. Version A is the normal version witch is 4.8k render weight, and the experimental version B with 2k render weight witch will not work for people running the game on ghetto graphics settings.
A bunch of new features implemented such as normal/specular map support, head customization options and other neat things.

Rez or wear your Avatar 2.0 update cards to get it.

All the existing clothing have been updated to work with this new version, rez your update cards.


The old versions of following items did not come with all the textures, scripting and update cards, there for they are not eligible for a free update.


Next stop on the to do list is updating the avatar 2.0 appliers to make use of the new texture layers and specular/normal maps, as well as new dummies for content creators.

– WIP – Trying it out on SL


– WIP Rikugou armors –

I ran into some roadblocks with the design and was stuck on it for some time, there were a bunch of design elements that looked good on their own but didn’t match each others style, so i split them up into 3 different projects. Theres going to be 3 armors in total, the first one of them, the heavy (gundam armor) is almost done.


The other 2 are not much to show yet but hopefully i will have something to show soonish.

– New stuff from ABC –

ABC has released a few new items for kemono.

The mini skirt(version A and B) and a thong that can be tinted manually and looks nice with version B and the skirt uses “materials” to give it a nice shine.

The classic Japanese school swimsuit V2, it has some pretty neat new features and “materials”

*This is not an update for the old swimsuit, the old swimsuit is now discontinued(update card still works if you ever need a new copy of the old suit).

– Another kemono update –

Recent changes to the kemono head made it impossible to manualy change the color of the eyelashes, so we added a way to do it with this update.
To change the color of the eyelashes, copy and paste the LSL color code (example: <0.17300, 0.17300, 0.17300>) from the build menu’s color picker, into the object description field of the head. The color will update during a blink.

Oh and btw, the next project is going to be some rikugou armors cuz its about damn time.

– Av2 hand fix –

whoever had problems with hands in avatar 2.0 versions 1.12.20 and 1.12.22, rez your update cards and try the fix and see if it works for you.

– Av2 face expressions and some other stuff –

Rez your update cards cuz the update is done.

This was a huge pain in the ass, had to redo some of the expressions multiple times, some still look a bit wonky with the default Avatar 2.0 skin but oh well, whatever.


I had to scrap some of the mouths due to how terrible they looked, so theres only 6 mouths for now.

Also, i forgot to pack in the new skin textures with the vendors so get them here https://www.mediafire.com/?04j97371omc87i5 if you are planing on making any skin mods. The textures themselves didnt change much, mostly just additional stuff got added to it for the mouth.


The M3 eye customization HUD is a separate thing, in case you will want to use the eyes with something else. The eyes themselves accept non transparent M3 eye textures (M3, Venus, Kemono) Good thing that literally no one ever made full use of the eye transparency feature in their mods, so these eyes will be compatible with 99% of all the eye mods(unless they are saved wrong and have an alpha channel).

– Shout outs –

Wanna give a shout out to 2 creators i know that are trying to get some notoriety.

Joy makes skins for Avatar 2.0

Akisa makes rikugou armors and other mecha girl stuff, you can find her store at the bottom floor of the AMH mall.


You can find kisa’s store at this location (200, 84, 1989)

– finally, something new from ABC –

ABC has made a bunch of new things for Kemono.

This fat pack also contains an overall piece that can be combined with all 3 jeans items and the tennis skirt.

You will need to update the tennis shirt and tennis skirt packs for compatibility with these new items. As always, rez or wear your update cards and wait, if nothing happens within a few minutes, go to another sim and try again ot go to AMH.

– Rikugou updates and other stuff –

Okay, all update are finished, heres the list of things that were fixed:

Fixed a rigging bug with Rikugou lite fingers.
Triangulation fixes on the arms and legs of the suit.
Improved the label textures on Lite stuff, there wont be any more black smudge.
Fixed triangulation issues with strike swimsuit.
Strike swimsuit is now compatible with O.CA chest armor.
Separated the top of the hand into its own material, now you can color fingers and the top of the hand separately.
Named the strike legs correctly.
script optimizations.
Increased the flight speed when boosters are activated.
Temporary workaround for the broken disc on the temjin booster, the problem was due to a new bug that LL implemented along with the material update, so this temporary solution is only here  till LL fixes it.
Upgraded the sword to use ribbon particles instead of flexy prims (To change the color of the particle, change the prim color of the light bar on the sword.)
script optimizations.
Upgraded the sword to have ribbon particles instead of plexy prims (To change the color of the particle, change the prim color of the blade) but still included a legacy version that uses flexy prims because of some inherit problems with ribbon particles in combination with really fast few frame animations.
Implemented a mechanism to both legacy and ribbon particle swords, that prevents the player from sliding forward so so much when attacking.
Improved the label textures on Lite stuff, there wont be any more black smudge.


– Rikugou dummy –

It took me 3 years but i finally got to it lol.


You can use this dummy to make armors and other addons for the Rikugou and Rikugou lite avatars. Get it here

– Oni Combat armor chest and other stuff –

And the chest armor is done, you will need to update your Rikugous and Kemonos for this to work. You should also update your O.CA arms and legs because i have fixed a few texture loading bugs as well as fixed the specularity settings that shaded the armor all weird around local lights. It should all look good now….. i think.

I also made a scarf to go along with the armor, it can also be used separately.


– Updates –

Apart from the Kemono and Rikugou compatibility updates for the armor, theres also a bunch of other bug fixes that you might want to check out.
Here is the list of all the changes:

-Kemono v1.13.2:
Fixed neck and triangulation. (mainly for O.CA chest compatibility)
Fixed a rigging bug with the Kemono hands and gloves.
Fixed a LOD issue with the hips.
Fixed a LOD issue with the right furry leg.
Fixed an issue with voice chat mouth animation.
Added a missing “ADD” graphical element to the body HUD right side options menu.
Switched places basic and advanced mode buttons on the body HUD to be more intuitive.
Script optimizations.

-M3 v1.12.10:
Fixed an issue with voice chat mouth animation option breaking the head.
Fixed a problem with the reset button not working when the options menu is close don the HUD.
Included the retro loader into the main package instead of the bonus item box because GOD DAMN IT YOU PEOPLE.

-O.CA arms and legs v2:
Fixed a rigging issue on the fingers of the Kemono version.
Fixed a rigging issue on the arms of the Rikugou lite version.
Fixed an issue with the wrong “red skull” textures being loaded on the arms of Avatar 2.0 and Rikugou lite versions.
Fixed an issue with speculars, shading the whole armor weird around local lights.
Added a Resync option to the menu of the Rikugou armor parts, this is for when one of the body parts reset and clip through the armor after reloging or adding the part second instead of first.

-Rikugou Lite v1.4:
O.CA chest armor compatibility update.


Thats all, the next big update is the Rikugou avatar and accessory series, its a real mess so this will take some time to fix.