– Utilizator news update –

– Rikugou Temjin –


So heres some news on the Temjin armor, i have finished all the animations and it is now being scripted. But meanwhile as it is being scripted, im working on another set of armor for Rikugou that i will call the Strike armor.

– Rikugou Strike –


Im putting all my time and effort into this now so hopefully it will be finished pretty soon (and wont take a fucking year like the temjin did xD). im hoping i can finish this by the end of this month.

– Rikugou Customization Contest –


If anyone remembers, once i did this sort of a top 10 best customizations that i personally liked the most and stuff. Well this time im thinking of making an official contest with prizes and stuff, im just not sure yet when, probably after i finish the strike armor. I will post more details about the rules and stuff later on.

– Beware of phishing scam –


I have noticed an increase of phishing scam lately, mostly this debauchee here that keeps coming back with a new account but always a similar name. he always sends a mass IM to everyone saying something that would be relevent to your interests followed by a shortened link. The link will lead to a fake marketplace page that will ask you for your login information. Never click any suspicious links from people you dont even know that IM you out of the blue for no reason and give you a shortened links or links that look sort of like the real thing but has like a .net or .co.gz or something like that at the end, like secondlife.net instead of secondlife.com, or misspelled words like secondlive or secondlfe. Be sure to check their profile too.

– Meanwhile on the marketplace –

I thought id share my collection of funny MP reviews, so here goes.

boots cartoony



justabox male

not working ttc black not20

