– New M4 Heads, updates and lots of otehr stuff released –

Ladies and catboys, the new heads are done and out!, but first i want to get your attention to some sorta important updates first so they wouldnt get buried down under all the cool new shit.

M4 Annimeay:

Fixed - More restructuring done to the head to fix the alpha glitching problems with blush layer and eye texture/lashes once and for all (hopefully).
Fixed - A problem with the "fix alphas" button not hiding a part that is supposed to be invisible, appearing white and glitching through the skin around the face.

General updates to all M4 heads:

Extended the click detection delay a bit more for the HUD's title bar to combat HUD flying off screen bug.

Fixed - (mis)Clicking near eye roll buttons would trigger 'Clear' command.
Fixed - Rikugou necks now contain rikugou joint offsets to address deformations to the body and neck that happen when an M4 head is worn.
Fixed - Kemono neck scripts have additional auto-hide code added to keep kemono(body/mod) neck hidden.
Fixed - Something with the remote relay HUD, i forgot what it was :C

M4 Tongue pills and piercings have been updated to work with the new heads too.

M3 M4 eye collection:

In the bonus item of your M4 head you will now find a new bonus item which is a HUD that has all the eye textures form every M3 and M4 head, if theres any eyes you are missing from previous heads, this will let you use them with your current head.

Ok and now with that out of the way, lets get into all the new stuff!

The new M4 heads:

MP_momo3 MP_kemomo3 MP_riku1.png MP_kitsune4 MP_momokem1

And and heres some day day one content for the new heads !

M4KMM_MOD_MP1 Clipboard02 Clipboard01

But wait, theres MOAR!

Kijo outfit set and separate pieces

thera hair MP kijo set MP kijo armslegs MP kijo top MP kijo skirt MP

And bunch of jewellery i had made a long time ago but never released.

MP_spikeband MP_beads MP_hipchain MP_loopsandhoops MP_curls MP_armslegs

whats next

Now that this is out of the way, i can probably start my experiments with fitted mesh and all that stuff for the future body im gonna make (dont expect this any time soon, probably next year), but in the mean time, im planning on making a lite version of the kemono body that i can than pack into anime avatar starter packs for new people that are joining SL, its going to contain some kind of simple anime head, body, hair and some clothes, maybe even an AO but not sure how willing i am to make a whole set of AO animations, will see. Also some avatar 2.0 clothing packs that someone requested and i thought was a good idea. Another thing that is in the works is a Kemono to LL UV skin transfer thing. Im also planning to give the M4 Mars head another try, will probably be a shape 2 update and also investigate what heads use what joints so i could make more of those face edjustment hud thingies for them, the jaw line adjustment HUD that comes with the M4 Momo/KeMomo is very possible for every other head cause those joints arent used for anything else.

Gonna make another post soon with all the dummies and texture kits, but that is all for now.

– More updates –

Heres some updates for last nights updates, we goofed some things up with the old M4 heads, we also made an M4 Kemono neck that accepts skin textures from body appliers, this wont be a seamless join but it will still be better than using the neck of the body and seeing parts of it inside your mouth.

M4 Anime / M4 Chibi
– Fixed – Eye roll and eye size commands were named wrong

M4 Venus / M4 Mars
– Fixed – Wrong blink animation name in script, spamming you with errors.

M4 Kemono
– Added – M4 Kemono – Neck [M3/Kemono] for usage with old texture appliers.

– The 4 new M4 Heads are here! –

Ladies and germans, e-girls and incels, its been a long wait but i finally bring you the 4 new M4 heads!

The M4 AnnieMay is a significant visual improvement over the original M4 Anime head, it comes with extra eye shapes and lashes, is backwards compatible with skins made for the M4 Anime and M4 Chibi heads and has better rigging.
The M4 Chipmunk head is an attempt to break away from the standard furry head style thats unique to SL, offering
a more cartoony and expressive type of character design. It comes with 4 different skins for the kemono body, mods and instructions for third party body parts to help you match your looks to the ones in the promo images.
The M4 Kemono head is something that was requested a lot by people who love the original kemono face but want to move on with the times. It is backwards compatible with skin textures made for the original M3 Kemono head and is fully compatible with the Kemono body.
And the M4 Bakemono head is the answer to the problem of wearing rigged mesh hairs with a furry head and big goofy eyeballs that load before the head itself! It is compatible with 4 of the stock kemono body skin textures BUT it is NOT compatible with skin textures made for the Chipmunk and Kemono heads, meaning it will match the default kemono body skins but kemono head skins wont work on it.

Thing to note, Due to SL shape settings for the eyebrows beign seperate from the rest of the avatar shape, wrong setings can cause eyelashes to clip with eyebrows set to angry position, everything else like features and compatibilities are explained in detail on the marketplace pages of each head

Also the development dummies are not ready yet but should be pretty soon along with some updates to prior M4 heads to ad some of the new M4 head functionality to them such as the crosseyed look.

Day one content

But thats not all, i have collaborated with some really cool skin creators to bring you thes amazing looking launch titles that you can already get now.

The Mad_Cow Faux Fox COLORS for the M4 Bakemono head
Mad_Cow <BoM> Faux Fox *MONOCHROME* for the M4 Bakemono head
{HIME*DREAM} Usagi Skin Mod – M4 AnnieMay/Kemono Body – [PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION]
parfait. Artemis M4 AnnieMay Skin
Y13. Shiba-Inu ( bom . f . m . petite ) . Read the description ! for the M4 Bakemono and the M4 Chipmunk heads
. Hanzel . Demonica Skin {Light} [M4 AnnieMay]
[AR] LOLA X BUX (F/FB) for the M4 Chipmunk head
[AR] SUGAR DOBBER (F/FB) for the M4 Bakemono head
[Nekotron] Fortuna Skin M4 AnnieMay (+ various bodies)
A whole bunch of skins by blueberry for the M4 Kemono, Bakemono and Chipmunk (sort by newest first)
[mzk] Shiba M4 Bakemono Extension
Dead Dolls: Cybergoth Mod (Bakemono Head & Kemono Body)

Update situation

Finally casper update issue hasnt been resolved yet but updates are sort of working, turns out this update server problem runs way deeper, something to do with some recent changes LL made to the sim software that is messing with the casper system’s ability to communicate with its servers, throttling the connection requests, they are still working to figure out what is wrong exactly and knowing LL it will take a while to get fixed on their end. But generally the update system is mostly working, you should get an update if you dont spam it with requests and just try using the update cards once every few hours till you get your update.

Thats all, have fun making avatars :D

– Almost done ! –

Ok so the heads are done being scripted and we are doing some last minute additions and improvements on some of the features (like the ability to do a cross eyed look) and polishing things up, i have improved a few meshes and animations. and now all that’s left is writing manuals, creating developer resources, final testing,, naming, perming, setting defaults and packing everything and making the vendor images, i hate this part the most. I have also partnered up with a few skin creator to have some content for the heads already at launch and i dont want to rush them too much so i dont yet have a concrete release date, but im aiming to release it somewhere around next month, maybe 10th ? not sure yet, will see !

Also heres some more images to make the wait harder xD

More pics https://imgur.com/a/htRMFST
More pics https://imgur.com/a/kfCzwr6
More pics https://imgur.com/a/m4zyWR5
More pics https://imgur.com/a/ATvEDhy
More pics https://imgur.com/a/nHysHKJ
More pics https://imgur.com/a/kvUORJ1
More pics https://imgur.com/a/7OsPzOy
More pics https://imgur.com/a/jWFF6lW
Misc pics https://imgur.com/a/876f9uN

– almost done –

Heres some more work in progress images

All modeling, texturing and animating is done, HUD graphics are done, the biggest thing thats left to do now is scripting everything and after that its the part i hate doing the most, naming, perming, attaching, packing, writing manuals and making dev kits.

More pics coming soon’ish

– WIP new furry heads –

Havent posted progress in a while but i think its time to do a big fat update on the progress.

All meshes are finished, all UV maps and textures are done too, all the face expressions and AO animations are also finally done and i just got done with all the HUD graphics and im now exporting everything and uploading it all bit by bit for testing and fixing any issues i overlooked and theres quite a few, most of them texture and UV related.

First head im testing is the long snout furry head.

Will post the others when done too.

– M4 Mars Dummy and more updates –

The M4 mars dummy for rigging and animating.


– Updates –

M4 Mars

Update Version 1.0b

– M4 Head –
Fixed a bug with the hairbase mesh flickering through the head above forehead.
Fixed a bug with the emote system making it unable to find 2 animations.
optimized the emote system to ignore missing emote parameters and not spam you with missing animation errors.

M4 Chibi and Anime heads

– M4 Head –
Same fixes to the emote system as in the Mars head.

– Updates, ABC dummies and a new shape for the M4 Anime head –

First, lets get these updates out of the way, more things have been fixed on both heads, these would be:

*Fixed – An oversight with listeners in both HUDs not canceling when the ignore button is pressed on the UUID box, grabbing and applying later pasted UUIDs to the wrong parts of the head.
*Fixed – Bug with the script in the LL necks on both heads causing skins to apply wrong.
*Added – A secondary head shape, more about this one further down this post.
*Change – Version numbers have been changed for everything to 1.3 to avoid confusion.

– New things from ABC –

New type of pierced puffy addon nipples for the ABC bouncy boobs, these come as a free update to the ABC bouncy boobs.

ABC is tired of having to manually give people links to her dummies but too lazy to make a blog or a website of her own so she asked me to post these on mine, so here they are.

Boobs dummy: https://www.mediafire.com/?9ch9642t98d7jfw
Flat dummy: https://www.mediafire.com/?elv1zna302cn5r7
Male dummy: http://www.mediafire.com/download/i2ennmc69xozyn8/ABCmaledummy.zip

– New shape for the M4 Anime head –

So it seems that despite my best efforts to explain to people that since a rigged mesh head cannot be resized and moved around like the the old heads, you cannot make it fit every hair in existence, and because of that the head looks really weird with half of the hair you try it with, mainly because the face looks too big compared to the hair, making it look like either the eyes are too big or something else is off , and they just need to pick the right hair(Ayashi and Taketomi works well).

The right hair makes all the difference as you can see in this compilation of people doing it right.

But still not being able to use half of the hair on SL without looking really goofy is kind of a bummer so i was working on an alternative shape for those situations.

Left is the old shape, right is the new shape.

What i did here is mostly just scale the face portion of the head bellow the forehead, I also fixed the super pointy chin cuz it was bugging me a lot, i also moved the mouth and nose upwards a little to compensate for the smaller chin as well as rotated and moved the portion of the face bellow the nose forward a little to make it look less weird from top angles as well as remove the impression that its always smiling.

Now if this wont make make the head basic bitch proof, nothing will.

– Minor M4 updates –

M4 Anime head update version 1.2b
*Fixed – A potential memory leak.


M4 Chibi head update version 1.2b
*Fixed – An oversight in the animation system causing the animations to be spam played every few seconds.
*Fixed – A potential memory leak.

– M3 Head Dummies –

This was a little something requested for a very long time, so i thought id finally get off my lazy ass and do it, so here you go, the M3 head dummies.


Oh yeah and each head is in a separate object layer, the Venus head is the non slim shape, also im not sure if this is the right version of the Venus head because i remember changing something at the back of the head.