– Metasequaia educational material dump –

Heres a bunch of stuff that might help you learn how to use Metasequoia

These are some old interface explanation sheets i once made for a friend who was getting into meta, these are old and outdated and lack some of the new features that later versions of meta have, but the majority of it is still the same.

UI  materialsandlayers  menus  mirroring

The ui.png is missing some of the new features and modes of operation, as well as doesnt explain some of the buttons. The materialsandlayers.png forgets to explain how you can group layers into groups and sub groups (kinda like a directory tree) using the arrow buttons and the triangle thing on each layer that can show or hide all the sub layers belonging to that layer. The mirroring.png warns about a symetry bug that has been long fixed.

Here’s some youtube videos.

This video shows the box modeling + subdivision method.

This video shows how you can use the paint tool in meta to help you with your texturing.

This is a tutorial about rigging avatars in blender but at the beginning it shows me making a simple demo avatar in met.

This video shows what most of the tools do.

Okay now these 2 tutorials are of another program but in part 2 of both of them i continue working in metasequoia.


Heres some more resources from other people.

This thread is full of useful links and videos for modeling anime characters and stuff like that.

This site has lots of useful metasequoia tutorials and videos, Click on the links in the menu on the left side of the page to see pages of different tutorials.

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